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Spring 2019
Meredith Monk - "Panda Chant II"
Kelvyn Koning - "The King's Mass"
Billy Strayhorn, Tom Cleary, arr. Kelvyn Koning - "A Flower is a Lovesome Thing"
Ned Rorem - "From An Unknown Past"
Philip Wright - "Red Dragonflies! Red Pepper Pods!"
Blake Dylan Pilger - "The Flight"
Zachary Wadsworth - "Three Madrigals: Dark, dark the seas and lands"
Joshua Scheid - "Someone Else"
Rebecca Sugar, arr. Kimberly Dauber - "Love Like You"
Spring 2018

Bovet - "La Fanfare du Printemps"

figgis-vizueta - "Upallay"

Tchaikovsky - "The Crown of Roses"

Hidlegard - "Ego caritas," "O dilectissime" from Ordo Virtutum

Britten - "Heaven Haven"

Cage - "Litany for the Whale"

Barber - "To be Sung on the Water"

Hildegard - "Caritas abundat"

Valverde - "En la noche entraremos"

Winter 2017

Figgis-Vizueta - "only by the form the pattern"

Hildegard - "Hodie Aperuit"

Betinis - "Lumen"

Arnesen - "Even When He is Silent"

Newman - "The Creation of Ea"

Britten - "Shepherd's Carol"

Poulenc - "Quatre motets pour le Temps de Noël"

Summer 2017

Britten - "Gloria" from Missa Brevis in D Major

Poulenc - "Litanies à la Vierge noire"

Hildegard - "O Virtus Sapientia"

Cage - "Story," "Melody" from Living Room Music arranged by Lorraine Fitzmaurice with text from Gertrude Stein's The World is Round; "4'33''"

Schubert - "Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit"

Smyth - excerpt from "The Prison;" "The March of the Women"

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